

case is used to compare a given value against many patterns until a matching one is found. This is most similar to switch statements in other languages:

case {1, 2, 3} do
    {1, 2, 5} -> "This will not return"
    {4, 5, 6} -> "Neither will this"
    {1, x, 3} -> "This will work with any #{x}"
    _ -> "This is used as the 'default' case"

If a pattern contains a reference to a variable outside of the case, you need to use the pin operator ^ which "locks" in the variable at the time of use, preventing it from being re-assigned (like in the above example with x):

x = 5
case {1, 2, 3} do
    {1, 2 ^x} -> "This will also try matching {1, 2, 5} and fail"
    _ -> "This will be the result"
case {1, 2, 3} do
    {1, 2, 5} -> "This will not return"
    {4, 5, 6} -> "Neither will this"
    {1, x, 3} when x < 3 -> "This will work with any #{x} < 3"
    _ -> "This is used as the 'default' case"

If none of the clauses match the given value, then an error is raised.


if is relatively straightforward and is pretty much the same as the other languages:

x = 5
if x > 3 do

There is no explicit elif so if you have multiple if statements, you will have to nest them as such:

if x > 3 do
    if x < 0 do

Like functions, you can also write the if statements as one-liners:

if x > 3, do: "Greater", else: "Lesser"


Notice that when using if, the lack of an explicit elif causes your code to adopt an arrowhead style. This is can make your code look messy. This is where cond comes in. cond is the same as flattening the nested if statements:

cond do
    x > 3 -> "Greater"
    x < 0 -> "Negative"
    true -> "Lesser"

The final true clause is used as the "default" case. This is because each clause in cond is supposed to evaluate to a boolean.


A final conditional we are introducing is the unless conditional which works as the opposite of if. The statement given to unless must be false for the body to run.

unless true do
    "This will not return"

Returning conditionals

Everything in Elixir is an expression. This means that even the conditionals are just expressions. This allows the conditionals to be assigned to variables or returned from functions:

x = if y > 3, do: "Greater", else: "Lesser"

def foo do
    if true do
        "This is returned"
        "This isn't"

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